Student Service Program
Last Updated: Dec 05, 2024, 02:12 PM
RAMP - Student Service Program
The Student Service Program includes those activities carried out with the objective of contributing to the emotional and physical well-being of the students as well as to their intellectual, cultural, and social development outside the context of the institution's formal instructional activities. The Student Service Program attempts to achieve this objective by 1) expanding the dimensions of the student's educational and social development by providing cultural, social, and athletic experiences; 2) providing those services and conveniences need by students as members of an on-campus, resident student body; and 3) assisting students in dealing with personal problems and relationships as well as in their transition from a student to a fully contributing member of society and the labor force. In addition to these types of activities, student services also includes student financial assistance activities.
Activities established to provide for the social and cultural development of the student outside the formal academic program should be classified into this subprogram. It includes those activities supported and controlled primarily by the student body, those activities outside the student's educational experience, and general recreation activities for the student body. Intercollegiate athletics are excluded. Examples of activities included are: lecture series, musical activities, art exhibitions, concerts, films, intramural athletics, recreation programs, student government, student yearbook, student magazines and student clubs.
This subprogram includes activities carried out for the specific purpose of providing health and medical services for the student body. The activities included in this subprogram are generally associated with a student infirmary rather than a teaching hospital. If the health and medical services for university students, faculty and staff are combined, they should be reported under this subprogram. However, health and medical services provided to clientele external to the university should be reported as either Public Service or Academic Support, whichever is appropriate. Student health services administration should be included in this subprogram.
This subprogram includes formal placement, career guidance, and personal counseling services provided for the benefit of students. Activities to be included are those related to personal and disciplinary counseling, and vocational testing and counseling, as well as those activities carried out to assist students in obtaining employment upon leaving the institution. Academic counseling and advising should not be included in this subprogram, but should be reported as Department Administration and Personnel Development under the Instructional Program.
This subprogram includes administrative activities carried out in support of an institution's financial aid program. The following is an example of the special types of activities which would be classified as Financial Aid Administration: Financial Aid Counseling and Evaluation, Records Maintenance and Reporting, and Student Employment Services. This subprogram should include counseling related to student loan programs.
All financial assistance provided to undergraduate students in the form of outright grants, trainee stipends, prizes awarded by the university or through the university, and matching funds for student loan programs (example, National Direct Student Loan Program) should be reported in this subprogram. Resources required to replace revenues due to the waiver of student fees should be reported in this subprogram. Often student fee waivers are granted to students who are awarded statutory tuition waivers.
College Work Study assistance should not be classified as a scholarship because it constitutes a payment to students for services provided. Therefore, College Work Study expenditures should be allocated to the organizational unit which receives benefit from the services provided. Loan should be excluded from this subprogram because there has been no expenditures of assets.
All financial assistance provided to graduate level students as outright grants-in-aid and training stipends should not be included in this subprogram. Payments to graduate students for rendering services as teaching assistants, and research assistants should be excluded from this subprogram. They should be assigned to the program benefiting from services being rendered. Institutional contributions required as a part of the Federal National Direct Student Loan program should be reported under this subprogram. Institutional loan programs should not be reported as a part of this functional subprogram. Loans are a conversion of asset accounts rather than an expenditure of assets. While loan activity is an important factor in evaluating the financial assistance available to students, it is data which is reported in the Board of Higher Education annual financial assistance survey.
This subprogram includes team and individual sport activities that involve competition between two or more educational institutions. Intramural athletics should not be included in this subprogram; these activities are classified as Social and Cultural Development. Special scholarships provided to athletes in exchange for their participation in one or more intercollegiate athletic programs should be classified as Intercollegiate Athletics. In addition, any other resources allocated to the support of intercollegiate athletic programs and activities should be reported under this subprogram. For example, coaches hired solely for competitive intercollegiate athletic programs or funds required to support recruiting activities should be reported as part of this subprogram.
This subprogram includes those administrative activities that provide assistance and support (excluding academic support) to the needs and interests of students. This subprogram includes only those administrative activities that support more than one subprogram within Student Services Activities and/or provide central administrative services related to various student service activities. The chief administrative officer for student affairs should be included in this subprogram. Examples of activities classified in this subprogram include: Dean of Students, Dean of Men, Dean of Women, Director of Student Services, foreign student services, veterans services, women's programs and minority affairs