Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant
Last Updated: Dec 05, 2024, 02:12 PM
Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant
This functional program consists of those activities related to maintaining existing grounds and facilities, providing utility services, campus security and fire protection, transportation, and rental of space. In addition, those activities related to the direct and indirect supervision and administration of the plant operation and maintenance program should be classified to this functional program. Actual capital expenditures for plant expansion and modification should not be reported as a part of this functional program. Activities for the maintenance and operation of auxiliary enterprises and/or revenue bonded operations should be reported as Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant, even though these types of operations may not be supported by State appropriated funds.
All activities necessary to carry out the duties of management and administration for all areas under the jurisdiction of the physical plant division of the university should be included in this functional subprogram. Examples: administrator or superintendent, assistant administrators or superintendents, office personnel including those assigned to do payroll, billing, material ordering, personnel records and dispatching work orders.
All activities related to custodial services in building interiors should be reported as Custodial Services.
Includes all activities and costs which are required to perform routine repair of buildings, related equipment structures and appurtenances including normal recurring repairs, and preventive maintenance. This category also includes various projects which keep a facility in ordinarily efficient operating condition, preserve the condition of property, or restore property to a sound state after damage or prolonged use without appreciably prolong previously estimated service life or adding to previously estimated value. Examples of activities include roof patching, interior and exterior paint touchup, floor repairs such as replacing missing or broken tiles, plumbing and electrical repairs and the repair or replacement of door knobs and locks and keys.
Includes operation and maintenance of campus landscape and grounds. Examples of activities included in this functional subprogram: maintenance of roads and walks; snow removal; maintenance of fences, retaining walls, and drainage ditches; and care of shrubs, trees, and grass.
All energy costs for heating, cooling, light, power, gas, water and other utilities necessary for physical plant operation are included. Utilities are to be reported into two categories - Utility Production and Utility Support.
Should include the contractual costs for purchasing electricity, natural gas, water and sewage treatment services. It should also include the cost of primary fuel sources such as coal and fuel oil used in the production of heat, light and power. This category is subdivided into two components: direct utility costs for all university space and payments for utilities in addition to periodic rental or lease payment on rental space.
Activities which are related to the operation and maintenance of heating and air conditioning plants; utility distribution systems, and maintenance, operation and replacement of necessary equipment to support utility production. It would consist of expenditures for personnel, equipment, telecommunications, and travel related to utility support.
Includes those activities and costs, funded with operating funds, which improve property or replace an item which has surpassed its estimated useful life. The activities are classified as nonrecurring.
Police needed to secure the physical plant of the university, to enforce law and order on the university campus and to control campus traffic should be reported in this functional subprogram. The costs reported under Security should include personnel, equipment and supplies.
Activities and costs which provide fire protection services for the university campus. In some cases a university maintains its own fire department while in other cases the university contracts with a municipality for fire protection services. Whichever method is used, the costs should be identified as Fire Protection.
All activities related to the purchase, maintenance and operation of motor vehicles specifically for the use of the physical plant department. The operational costs for motor vehicles from a central pool should be charged to the departments and programs which use the vehicles.
Cost of all leased or rented space, including utilities and O & M costs where they are included in the rental price. Separate payments for utilities not included in rental payments should be reported under the subcategory of Utility Production-Rental Space. Rental of space should include rental fees paid for space used in off-campus instruction.
The definitions for functional subprogram under Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant were developed using A Classification of Accounts for Physical Plant (Association of Physical Plant Administrators of Universities and Colleges) and definitions developed by the University O and M Task Force for Illinois public universities. These subprograms are similar to those defined in the NCHEMS PCS except that the above classifications are greater in number.
All Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant activities which do not fit any of the above describe categories should be classified in this subprogram.