Organized Research Program
Last Updated: Dec 05, 2024, 02:12 PM
Organized Research Program
Activities intended to produce one or more research outcomes including the creation of knowledge, reorganization of knowledge, and the application of knowledge are to be reported in the Organized Research Program. It includes both those activities carried out with institutional funds and those carried out under terms of agreement with agencies external to the institution. Organized Research activities may be conducted by a number of organizational entities including research divisions, bureaus, institutes and experimental stations, or they may be carried out on an individual or project basis. Research activities carried out on an individual or project basis usually result from special institutional grant awards to individual faculty members. These institutional research grant awards usually are made on a competitive basis through a central research office in the dean's office, or the graduate dean's office. Laboratory schools are to be included as a subprogram under the Organized Research Program.
This subprogram includes those research activities conducted within the framework of a formal research organization such as research bureaus, divisions, institutes and experimental stations. This subprogram, while using "organizational" criteria as the rationale for classifying programs and activities, includes only those activities carried out for purposes of creating knowledge or reorganizing or applying existing knowledge. An agricultural experiment station produces a joint product of organized research and public service. However, only research activities of an agricultural experiment station should be classified in this subprogram. The criteria described in the Public Service program should be used in differentiating research activities from public service within an agricultural experiment station. Most institutes and research centers do not have a dual objective like agricultural experiment stations, and can therefore be classified totally within a single subprogram.
Those research programs created as a result of contracts or grants with external agencies, or special allocations of institutional resources to conduct an investigation or study of a specific scope should be classified as Individual or Project Research. Institutional allocations of research funds are usually distributed on the basis of some type of competitive process. In some cases these institutional funds will apply as matching funds to externally funded research grants and contracts. In other cases, centrally allocated institutional research funds may be matched with departmental funds such as a release of faculty time. Academic department resources committed to these types of research activities would be reported as a part of the Instructional Program under Departmental Research.
The institutional allocation of research funds is usually distributed on the basis of some type of competitive process. The research grants are usually administered by a special office in the academic provost's office or in the graduate dean's office. The projects may be managed within an academic department, but to be classified as Individual or Project Research, they must be supported by non-departmental resources. However, in some cases, the competitive grants may have to be matched with departmental funds such as a release of faculty time. Academic department resources committed to these types of research activities would be reported as a part of the Instructional Program.
Costs Associated with laboratory schools should be assigned to this special subprogram. While these schools may perform public service or instructional functions also, as currently operated, their primary function is research.
All administrative support activities directly attributable to Organized Research Activities should be assigned to this subprogram. For example, a university research office which assists faculty in obtaining outside grants would be included here. Computing Support and any other support activities attributable to research projects, including a portion of department's administrative budgets, should also be reported in this subprogram.