Instructional Programs
Last Updated: Dec 05, 2024, 02:12 PM
Instructional Programs
The Instructional program consists of those activities carried out for the explicit purpose of eliciting some measure of "educational change" in a learner or group of learners. "Educational change" is defined to include:- acquisition or improved understanding of some portion of a body of knowledge
- adoption of new or different attitudes
- acquisition or increased mastery of a skill or set of skills.
This subprogram includes instructional offerings intended to prepare learners in a generalized sense, and to prepare learners for entry into a specific occupation or profession. Only those instructional offerings for which degree credit is granted should be included in this subprogram. In some cases, the instructional offerings will be preparatory for further study in a specific field of knowledge. For example, a learner may earn a baccalaureate degree and continue to study at the masters and doctorate degrees levels. Both on- and off- campus instructional offerings creditable towards a degree should be reported in this subprogram. Honors programs would be included in this subprogram if direct instruction is provided. Otherwise, these programs would be placed under the subprogram of Instructional Support.
This subprogram includes those instructional offerings intended to prepare learners for immediate entry into a specific occupation or career requiring educational attainment at a level below the baccalaureate degree. Instructional offerings should be classified in this subprogram only if they are offered as part of one of the institution's formal degree or certificate programs. If the instructional offering is occupationally related, but is not part of a formal degree or certificate program, it should be classified as Community Education in Public Service unless it is a Requisite Preparatory/Remedial Instructional activity. In determining whether or not a particular degree-related offerings) should be classified in this subprogram, the user should determine (1) whether there is a direct match between the field of study and a particular occupation or career and (2) whether entry into that occupation or career typically requires a degree or certificate at a level below the baccalaureate degree level. Programs related to subject area, course level, credit/noncredit status and delivery mechanism can be used to describe further the instructional offerings within this subprogram.
This subprogram includes those instructional offerings carried out to provide the learner with the skills or knowledge required by the institutional to undertake course work leading to a postsecondary degree or certificate. These offerings, supplemental to the normal academic program, are designed typically as preparatory, remedial, developmental, or special education services. These offerings may be taken prior to, or along with courses leading to degree or certificates. Only those activities which are notcreditable toward degree or certificates should be classified as Requisite Preparatory/Remedial Instruction.
This subprogram should include research duties assigned specifically to a faculty member by the head of an academic department or a departmental committee. Departments may choose to assign a portion of a faculty member's effort to research in lieu of teaching. Such assigned activities may contribute to the professional development of a faculty member and may lead to publication or other scholarly recognition. With the exception of a released time institutional contribution required by the terms of an externally funded research grant, all research effort assigned at the departmental level should be reported as Departmental Research. Departmental Research should not be used as a catchall for residual faculty activities which cannot be assigned elsewhere. Departmental activities which cannot be assigned elsewhere should be reported as departmental administration to be allocated as support to the three primary functions. Released faculty time for curriculum planning and development should be reported in the Instructional Support subprogram. Departmental Research will have to be allocated on the basis of historical level of research activity or projected levels of research activity.
This subprogram includes activities carried out by the institution related to 1) identification of prospective students, 2) promotion of attendance at the institution, 3) process of applications for admission to the institution, 4) maintenance, handling and updating of records for students currently enrolled. Examples of activities included in this subprogram are: recruiting trips, communication with high schools, student record maintenance, correspondence related to student records, interviewing student applicants and evaluation of student applicants.