Institutional Support
Last Updated: Dec 05, 2024, 02:12 PM
Institutional Support
Institutional Support consists of those activities carried out to provide for both the day-to-day functioning as well as the long-range viability of the university as an operating organization. The overall objective of the Institutional Support Program is to provide for the institution's organizational effectiveness and continuity. It does this by (a) providing for planning and executive direction; (b) providing for administrative and logistical services; (c) enhancing relationships with the institution's constituencies; and (d) providing services and conveniences for the employees of the institution.6020 EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT
This subprogram consists of those executive-level activities concerned with the overall management of, and long-range planning for, the entire institution. Included within this subprogram are the activities of the various participants involved in policy formulation and executive direction, including the activities of the governing board, the chief executive officer, and the senior executive officers. Legal activities conducted on behalf of the institution are also included. Those administrative activities that do not have an institution-wide focus should be excluded. Examples of activities to be included: Board of Trustees, Governing Board, Chancellor, President, Provost, Vice-Chancellors, Vice-Presidents, institutional research, budget planning, and academic planning and facilities planning committees.
This subprogram consists of those activities related to the day-to-day financial management and fiscal operations of the institution. However, activities related to long-range financial planning and policy formulations should be included in Executive Management. Examples: payroll operations, bursar, cashier, treasurer, comptroller, business officer, internal auditing, and endowment management.
This subprogram consists of those activities related to the general administrative operations and services of the institution (except for those activities related to financial operations and student records). Included in this subprogram are those activities related to 1) the administration of personnel programs, 2) the purchasing and maintenance of supplies and materials, 3) management of the institution's facilities; and 4) administrative computing support. Examples: Affirmative Action Officer, Personnel Administration, faculty records, labor relations office, room scheduling, space allocation, facilities records, purchasing, receiving/shipping, inventory control, administrative data processing centers, warehousing, staff moving, and airports.
This subprogram includes those support services that have been established primarily to serve the faculty and staff such as faculty lounges, faculty cafeterias, or faculty centers providing a variety of services.
This subprogram consists of those institutional activities established to maintain relations with the local community, the institution's alumni, governmental entities, and the public in general, as well as those activities carried out to support institution-wide fundraising and development efforts. Activities that involve the use of alumni to recruit students should be classified under Recruitment Admissions, Registration, and Records in Instruction. Examples: news releases, newsletters and publications, governmental relations office, alumni events and publications, fundraising, and gift solicitation.